AI Sermon Outline Generator

To start, please enter up to 5 Bible passages. The AI will then generate 4 sermon thesis statements, or main arguments, based on the passages. After you choose a thesis statement you like, it will generate an outline for you.

Recent Outlines

PassageThesis Statement
Romans 3By affirming that righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ, Romans 3 invites believers to cast off their old selves and step into new beginnings characterized by grace and divine transformation. new beginnings
Romans 15:4-5The encouragement and hope derived from the Scriptures fuel our journey toward personal transformation, aligning us closer to God's design for our lives in Christ. salvation
Romans 15:4The Scriptures provide vital encouragement, helping believers navigate life’s challenges on the path to salvation. salvation
Lamentations 3:22-23, Micah 7:8, Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:13, James 1:2-4Through the trials and tribulations of life, as depicted in James 1:2-4 and Romans 8:28, Christians are called to recognize hardships as opportunities for personal growth and a demonstration of God's purposeful design.
Mark 2:1-12Jesus’ confrontation with the skeptics reveals the importance of an open heart to receive the fullness of God’s revelations, challenging us to examine our own receptiveness to his divine truth.
Psalm 136:1-4Worshipping God for his acts of creation, as described in the first verses of Psalm 136, invites us to appreciate his power and purpose in the minutiae of our lives. worship
Acts 11:26Becoming known as 'Christians' signifies not just a label, but a profound transformation of life and community, rooted in the teachings of the gospel.
Isaiah 1-66Isaiah's assurance of God's mercy towards the humble, as voiced in Isaiah 57:15, serves as a compelling reminder that divine assistance is reserved for those who acknowledge their dependency on God's grace. humility


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