AI Sermon Outline Generator

To start, please enter up to 5 Bible passages. The AI will then generate 4 sermon thesis statements, or main arguments, based on the passages. After you choose a thesis statement you like, it will generate an outline for you.

Recent Outlines

PassageThesis Statement
1 Corinthians 3:9-14The foundation of all Christian work and unity is Jesus Christ, and anything built on a different foundation will not stand.
Psalm 127True blessings and fruitful labor come only when we acknowledge and depend upon the Lord as the foundation of our endeavors. blessings
Job 12:14-18, Daniel 11:36-45, Acts 17:26God's sovereignty over all creation, including both the rise and fall of nations and kings, reveals his ultimate authority and control, calling believers to trust in his divine plan.
Matthew 13:24-30The Parable of the Weeds teaches us that while the Holy Spirit sows good seeds in our lives, the enemy is at work planting weeds, and it is only through God's power that we can discern and overcome these challenges. Holy Spirit
Colossians 3:19God's mandate against harshness in marriage challenges husbands to model patience, kindness, and gentleness in their interactions with their wives. marriage
Genesis 2:24Marriage as depicted in Genesis 2:24 signifies not just a physical bond, but a deep spiritual and emotional oneness that reflects God's intention for human relationships. marriage
Hebrews 13:4Personal transformation and societal well-being stem from holding the covenant of marriage in high regard as instructed in Hebrews 13:4. marriage
1 Timothy 4:1-5To abide in sound doctrine, believers must reject the hypocrisy of false teachers who impose restrictive practices that contradict God's creation as good. false teachings


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