Modern locations of places in the Bible:

Wadi Ajlun


Also CalledWadi Kafrinji, Wadi Kufranja, Wadi Kufrinjah
Latitude, Longitude32.273611, 35.561667
Palestine 1928 Grid Coordinates (?)203105/186708
Point Precisionmouth of wadi
Coordinates Sources
Precise Coordinates Notesenters the Jordan Valley at 32.269227,35.603349 and intersects with the Jordan River at 32.27492,35.558518; the government of Jordan in 2016 Abualhaija, Assessing Water Quality of Kufranja Dam (2021); for the identification of Wadi Ajlun with this wadi, see this same PDF and New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Volume 8 (1910) and for the location of this wadi, see Farhan, Spatial Estimation of Soil Erosion Risk: A Case Study of Kufranja Watershed, Northern Jordan (2013) (figure 2)
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

Biblical places associated with Wadi Ajlun


panorama looking west along the top of Wadi Ajlun, which runs between the hills in the foreground
Credit: Adeeb Atwan (modified)