Modern locations of places in the Bible:

Between Maghfar and Lake Timsah


Latitude, Longitude30.566667, 32.266667
Point Precisionpoint in region
Coordinates Source
General Location NotesInternational Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1979) (Pi-hahiroth): “a marsh between Maghfar and Lake Timsah
Precise Coordinates NotesJacotin, Topographic Map of Egypt and Surrounding (1826) shows Maghfar as Mouqfar in approximately the location of Magharibah; calls Mougfar "Mawkel;" Rand McNally Atlas Map of Egypt (1897) calls it "El Magfar"
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

Biblical places associated with between Maghfar and Lake Timsah


streetscape of Ismalia in the region between Maghfar and Lake Timsah
Credit: Daniel Csörföly (modified)