Modern locations of places in the Bible:

Khirbet el Medeineh


Also CalledMedeineh on the Wadi el Lejjun
Latitude, Longitude31.281151, 35.871731
Palestine 1928 Grid Coordinates (?)232992/076796
Point Precision100 m
Coordinates Sources
  • Aharoni, Land of the Bible (1979): page 433
  • HarperCollins Concise Atlas of the Bible (1991): City of Moab
  • MEGAJordan
General Location Notes
  • Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (1992) (Ar (place)): 233/077 (reported as 330/768)
  • a different Medeineh at 31.420691,35.950111 (MEGAJordan 12771) is also possible but doesn’t match the coordinates in Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (1992) (Ar (place))
  • Miller, Israelite Journey through (around) Moab (1989) (page 27): “Musil and Abel refer specifically to the Medeineh at the juncture of the Wadi Saliyeh and Wadi Sa‘ideh on the pages cited by Van Zyl. Moreover, while Musil proposed this Medeineh as a possible candidate for Ar... [he] clearly distinguished this ’Ar’ from the Ar of Deut 2:16, 29, and Isa 15:1 which he equated with Areopolis/er-Rabbah”
  • given the coordinate problems throughout Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (1992) (Ar (place)), I’m not completely sure this is the correct Medeineh
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

Biblical places associated with Khirbet el Medeineh

10-meter-per-pixel satellite Image

satellite view of the region around Khirbet el Medeineh
Credit: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019 (modified)