Places in Psalm 95

Download a KML file of Psalm 95 for use in Google Earth.


Place Possible identifications (tap to highlight on the map)
Ps 95:8
  1. satellite view of the region around Wadi Rufaiyilalong Wadi Rufaiyil

  2. satellite view of the region around Wadi Rufaiyilwithin 500 m of Wadi Rufaiyil

  3. trees along Wadi Feiranalong Wadi Feiran

  4. trees along Wadi Feiranwithin 500 m of Wadi Feiran

  5. tree along Wadi el Sheikhalong Wadi el Sheikh

  6. tree along Wadi el Sheikhwithin 500 m of Wadi el Sheikh

  7. satellite view of the region around Jabal Huwaytiwithin 500 m of Jabal Huwayti

  8. satellite view of the region around Jabal HuwaytiJabal Huwayti

  9. satellite view of the region around Wadi Sudrwithin 500 m of Wadi Sudr

  10. satellite view of the region around Wadi Sudralong Wadi Sudr

  11. pool at Ain el QudeiratAin el Qudeirat

  12. closeup of Ein QedeisEin Qedeis

Meribah 2
Ps 95:8
  1. satellite view of the region around Wadi Rufaiyilwithin 500 m of Wadi Rufaiyil

  2. trees along Wadi Feiranwithin 500 m of Wadi Feiran

  3. tree along Wadi el Sheikhwithin 500 m of Wadi el Sheikh

  4. satellite view of the region around Jabal Huwaytiwithin 500 m of Jabal Huwayti

  5. satellite view of the region around Wadi Sudrwithin 500 m of Wadi Sudr

Image Credits

Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019, Hatem Moushir, youssef_alam, Matson Collection, Matson Collection


This page attempts to identify all possible locations for every place mentioned in this chapter of the Bible.