Places in the Bible Today:

Luz 1


Translated NameLuz
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

1 Identification

  1. another name for Bethel 1 (ancient): very high confidence. It may be:
    1. ruins at BeitinBeitin

    2. cityscape of Al BiraAl Bira

    3. panorama of ruins at Burj BeitinBurj Beitin

Verses (6)

Gen-Deut (3)
Gen 28:19, 35:6, 48:3
Josh-Ruth (3)
Josh 16:2, 18:13
Judg 1:23

Linked Data Identifiers

Logos FactbookLuz (2007)Luz 1
OpenBible.infoa397042 (Luz 1)
UBS Names Databaseot ID_1640
WikipediaLuz (partial)

Places with Similar Names

Thumbnail Image Credits

Deror_avi, יעקב, Bukvoed


This page identifies the current consensus around the modern location of this biblical place.

While I consulted sources for this place, there were no major disputes about its modern location.