Places in the Bible Today:

House of the Forest of Lebanon


Translated NamesHouse of the Forest, House of the Forest of Lebanon, house of the forest of Lebanon, House of the Forest of the Lebanon, house of the timber from Lebanon, house of the timber of Lebanon, Palace of the Forest, Palace of the Forest of Lebanon, Palace of the Lebanon Forest, The Palace of the Lebanon Forest
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

1 Identification

  1. in Jerusalem (ancient): very high confidence
    1. aerial cityscape of Jerusalemin Jerusalem

Verses (6)

1Sam-Esth (5)
1Kgs 7:2, 10:17, 10:21
2Chr 9:16, 9:20
Job-Mal (1)
Isa 22:8

Linked Data Identifiers

Logos FactbookHouse of the Forest of Lebanon (2007)House of the Forest, House of the Forest of Lebanon
OpenBible.infoa966bdf (House of the Forest of Lebanon)
TIPNRHouse_of_the_Forest@Isa.22.8, House_of_the_Forest_of_Lebanon@1Ki.7.2

Thumbnail Image Credits



This page identifies the current consensus around the modern location of this biblical place.

While I consulted sources for this place, there were no major disputes about its modern location.