Modern locations of places in the Bible:

Khirbet Umm el Idham


Latitude, Longitude31.565880, 35.770140
Palestine 1928 Grid Coordinates (?)223156/108313
Point Precision2 km
Coordinates Sources
General Location Notes
  • ESV Bible Atlas (2010) (page 99): “Khirbet el-Idham, five miles to the north of Dibon (or possibly Khirbet ar-Rumel, about 6 miles east of Khirbet el-Idham)”
  • Khirbet Umm el Idham is, I believe, identical to or just north of Iskander
  • the hill to the north is called Umm al Izam (another spelling for Idham)
  • Khirbet Iskandar Final Report (2010) (page 278): “summit of Umm al-Idham, overlooking the site [of Iskander] to the north”
  • however, the name "Iskander" was in use when sources mentioning "Idham" were written, suggesting that they are two different but nearby sites
  • no lists I found had both "Iskander" and "Idham"
  • Dearman, Location of Jahaz (1984) (page 123): "there are smaller sites near by [Iksander] with Iron Age pottery" such as Rujm Mlehleb
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Biblical places associated with Khirbet Umm el Idham

10-meter-per-pixel satellite Image

satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm el Idham
Credit: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019 (modified)