Modern locations of places in the Bible:

Khirbet Hirsha


Also CalledHirsha, Horbat Horesh
Latitude, Longitude31.826900, 35.049170
Palestine 1928 Grid Coordinates (?)154750/137127
Point Precision50 m
Coordinates Sources
General Location Notes
  • Names and Places in the Old and New Testament and Apocrypha (1889) (page 42): “1.5 miles to the east of Yalo and 12.5 [miles] southeast of Lydda
  • Curtis and Madsen, Chronicles I and II (1910) (page 109): “ruins of Hirsha east of Lydda”
Precise Coordinates Notesdiscussed at Clermont-Ganneau, Archaeological Researches in Palestine 1873-1874, Book 2 (1896) (page 69); the route described at Wikivoyage is modeled here: OpenStreetMap; the narrative suggests the ruins are closer to 31.828405,35.046841, but I don’t see evidence of them in Israel GovMap
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

Biblical places associated with Khirbet Hirsha


cistern at Khirbet Hirsha
Credit: bentzy (modified)