Modern locations of places in the Bible:



Also CalledAila, Ayla
Latitude, Longitude29.530676, 34.999999
Palestine 1928 Grid Coordinates (?)149631/-117437
Point Precisionarchaeological site in modern settlement
Coordinates Sources
General Location NotesAnchor Yale Bible Dictionary (1992) (Elath (place), Van der Woude, In Quest of the Past (1990): "1 km northeast of Aqaba, about 4 km from Tell Kheleifeh", which isn’t exactly here, but Van der Woude, In Quest of the Past (1990) (page 4) quotes the same source and places it at or near these coordinates
Precise Coordinates Notesthis is a point for the Roman city that was likely built over the older city
Geo Data KML (for Google Earth)
GeoJSON (for GIS applications)

Biblical places associated with Aqaba


ruins at Aqaba
Credit: Bel Adone (modified)