Places in Psalm 83

Download a KML file of Psalm 83 for use in Google Earth.


Place Possible identifications (tap to highlight on the map)
Ps 83:7
  1. panorama of a region in AmalekAmalek

Ps 83:7
  1. ruins at AmmanAmmon

Ps 83:8
  1. panorama of AssurAssur

Ps 83:6
  1. ruins at BuseiraEdom

Ps 83:10
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet es SafsafaKhirbet es Safsafa

  2. historical panorama of buildings at IndurIndur

  3. satellite view of the region around Tell Abu QedeisTell Abu Qedeis

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet JadurahKhirbet Jadurah

  5. satellite view of the region around Tell el AjjulTell el Ajjul

Gebal 2
Ps 83:7
  1. panorama of hills in the region between the Dead Sea and Petrabetween the Dead Sea and Petra

  2. panorama of ruins at ByblosByblos

  3. ruins at BuseiraEdom

  4. ruins at Buseiraabout 30 km around Buseira

  5. ruins at BuseiraBuseira

  6. building at CarcariaCarcaria

  7. satellite view of the region around GharandalGharandal

  8. streetscape of Ma'anMa'an

  9. satellite view of the region around TuwanehTuwaneh

  10. ruins at UdruhUdruh

  11. satellite view of the region around TawilanTawilan

Ps 83:9
  1. closeup of the Kishon RiverKishon River

  2. panorama of Nahal TaborNahal Tabor

Ps 83:9
  1. panorama of hills in MidianMidian

Moab 1
Ps 83:6
  1. panorama of a wadi in Moab 1Moab 1

Ps 83:7
  1. panorama of a coastal plain in PhilistiaPhilistia

Ps 83:7
  1. ruins at TyreTyre

Image Credits

Someone35, Berthold Werner, Véronique Dauge, Uri, Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019, The Way of the Cross, Zairon, Jerzy Strzelecki, H.P. Frei, Adeeb Atwan, Bashar Tabbah, קודקוד צהוב, Agooodperson, Roupicou, Adeeb Atwan, גד סובול, Vyacheslav Argenberg


This page attempts to identify all possible locations for every place mentioned in this chapter of the Bible.

The isobands you see on the map (gray areas with dark borders) attempt to give you confidence where a region is. Because many ancient regions aren't precisely defined, I consulted atlases to determine where the biblical region is located and used that data to build the isobands. The smaller isobands reflect more confidence that the given isoband is in the region, while the larger isobands reflect less confidence. Isobands are a kind of contour line that here indicate confidence levels.