AI Sermon Outline Generator

To start, please enter up to 5 Bible passages. The AI will then generate 4 sermon thesis statements, or main arguments, based on the passages. After you choose a thesis statement you like, it will generate an outline for you.

Recent Outlines

PassageThesis Statement
Revelation 3:1-5In Revelation 3:1-5, the Lord's message to the church in Sardis exposes the danger of spiritual complacency and calls believers to wake up and rekindle their zeal for God.
Matthew 6:5-9Jesus teaches that prayer should be a sincere and private conversation with God, free from the desire to impress others.
Genesis 3:18The imagery of 'thorns and thistles' prompts believers to reflect on the struggles in their own lives and seek redemption through Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11Through the sudden coming of the Day of the Lord, we are called to vigilance in our faith, preparedness in our actions, and holiness in our lives, lest we be caught unawares like a thief in the night. end times
Psalm 42The continual thirsting for God described in Psalm 42 demonstrates that genuine spiritual fulfillment and peace are found solely in an intimate relationship with the Divine. seeking God
Luke 24:13-27The delayed revelation of Christ to the disciples on the road to Emmaus illustrates that patience is vital in understanding and experiencing the fullness of God's promises. patience
Genesis 22:1The testing of Abraham underlines that God's plan often includes challenges meant to elevate our trust in him beyond our understanding. God's plan
Daniel 7Daniel's experience of receiving and interpreting visions reminds us that seeking understanding of prophetic revelation can fortify our faith as we navigate the challenges of the last days. end times


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