AI Sermon Outline Generator

To start, please enter up to 5 Bible passages. The AI will then generate 4 sermon thesis statements, or main arguments, based on the passages. After you choose a thesis statement you like, it will generate an outline for you.

Recent Outlines

PassageThesis Statement
Psalm 103Psalm 103 calls us to bless the Lord by recognizing his endless benefits, which signal not only the blessings we receive but also call us to a life of gratitude and worship. blessings
1 Corinthians 12:12-31While individual members may differ in gifts and functions, the body of Christ thrives when we embrace our interdependence, thereby strengthening the community and advancing God’s kingdom on Earth.
Romans 8:37-39Fasting as a spiritual exercise showcases our dependency on God's everlasting love, reinforcing that through Christ's victory, we are more than conquerors over any trials that arise. fasting
Exodus 2:18Exodus 2:18 serves as a reminder that God's authority extends over every aspect of life, including the journey and timing of our paths, encouraging Christians to remain faithful amidst uncertainty, trusting in God's perfect control. God is in control
Isaiah 57Isaiah 57 warns that pursuing idolatry leads to destruction and alienation from God, but also promises that genuine repentance can restore a broken relationship with him. idolatry
Psalms 1-150Seeking God's guidance and direction through his Word offers us a way to live a life of righteousness.
Romans 6:13-20Romans 6:16 provides a crucial choice between serving sin or embracing righteousness, illustrating how our daily decisions fundamentally shape our spiritual nature and identity as Christians. holiness
Philippians 1:21-23The desire to be with Christ should motivate us to make our lives count for something greater than ourselves. thankfulness


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