Places in 1 Kings 4

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Place Possible identifications (tap to highlight on the map)
1Kgs 4:12
  1. satellite view of the region around Tell Abu SusTell Abu Sus

  2. satellite view of the region around Tell el MaqlubTell el Maqlub

  3. satellite view of the region around Tell el HiluTell el Hilu

  4. satellite view of the region around Ras el KharubeRas el Kharube

  5. satellite view of the region around Tell el HammeTell el Hamme

  6. satellite view of the region around Tall al MeqbarahTall al Meqbarah

1Kgs 4:13
  1. panorama of a plain in the ArgobArgob

1Kgs 4:10
  1. panorama of Khirbet el HamamKhirbet el Hamam

  2. cityscape of ArrabaArraba

  3. panorama of Batn Umm NariBatn Umm Nari

  4. streetscape at Pardes Hanna KarkurPardes Hanna Karkur

  5. aerial panorama of Tel EsurTel Esur

1Kgs 4:13, 4:19
  1. panorama of a plain in BashanBashan

Bealoth 2
1Kgs 4:16
  1. church at Deir el AzarDeir el Azar

  2. aerial panorama of the Nahal Avnon FortressNahal Avnon Fortress

  3. satellite view of the region around Keslawithin 1 km of Kesla

  4. cave at Arak IsmainArak Ismain

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet es SiyyaghKhirbet es Siyyagh

  6. satellite view of the region around Tulul el MedbahTulul el Medbah

  7. historical cityscape of Al MagharAl Maghar

  8. ruins at Bayt ItabBayt Itab

  9. panorama of Wadi el Qeinialong Wadi el Qeini

  10. satellite view of the region around Horbat TayyavHorbat Tayyav

  11. panorama of MugharMughar

  12. panorama of the region including Beer YerohamBeer Yeroham

  13. ruins at Horbat UzaHorbat Uza

  14. satellite view of the region around Tel IraTel Ira

  15. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  16. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

  17. ruins at En HazevaEn Hazeva

  18. ruins at QatraQatra

Beersheba 1
1Kgs 4:25
  1. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer ShevaTel Beer Sheva

  2. well at Bir es SebaBir es Seba

1Kgs 4:12
  1. panorama of ruins at Tel Bet SheanTel Bet Shean

Beth-shemesh 1
1Kgs 4:9
  1. aerial panorama of ruins at Tel Bet ShemeshTel Bet Shemesh

1Kgs 4:25
  1. gate at Tel DanTel Dan

1Kgs 4:30
  1. panorama of hills in the Eastregion around Amman

1Kgs 4:21, 4:30
  1. pyramids of Giza in EgyptEgypt

1Kgs 4:9
  1. panorama of YaloYalo

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Wadi IllinKhirbet Wadi Illin

  3. satellite view of the region around Tell el KokahTell el Kokah

  4. satellite view of the region around AleinAlein

  5. ruins at Kafr AnaKafr Ana

  6. satellite view of the region around Khirbet HasanKhirbet Hasan

  7. satellite view of the region around Tel ZelafonTel Zelafon

  8. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el RujmKhirbet el Rujm

  9. satellite view of the region around Khirbet HaiyanKhirbet Haiyan

  10. cityscape of Beit AnanBeit Anan

1Kgs 4:21, 4:24
  1. panorama of the Euphrates RiverEuphrates River

1Kgs 4:24
  1. satellite view of the region around Tell HarubeTell Harube

Gilead 1
1Kgs 4:13, 4:19
  1. panorama of hills in Gilead 1Gilead 1

1Kgs 4:13
  1. panorama of a valley in Havvoth-jairHavvoth-jair

1Kgs 4:10
  1. satellite view of the region around Tell el MuhaffarTell el Muhaffar

  2. satellite view of the region around Tel HeferTel Hefer

  3. ruins at Tel DotanTel Dotan

Jezreel 2
1Kgs 4:12
  1. ruins at Tel Yizre'elTel Yizre'el

Jokmeam 1
1Kgs 4:12
  1. ruins at Tel YokneamTel Yokneam

  2. ruins at Tell esh Sheikh DhiabTell esh Sheikh Dhiab

  3. cityscape of QusinQusin

  4. panorama of Tel al MazarTel al Mazar

  5. satellite view of the region around Tell SimadiTell Simadi

1Kgs 4:33
  1. panorama of a valley in LebanonLebanon

1Kgs 4:14
  1. panorama of the Jabbok River and Tell edh Dhahab el GharbiTell edh Dhahab el Gharbi

  2. satellite view of the region around Tell HejajTell Hejaj

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet MehnaKhirbet Mehna

  4. panorama of Tell edh Dhahab esh SherqiyehTell edh Dhahab esh Sherqiyeh

  5. satellite view of the region around Tell er ReheilTell er Reheil

  6. satellite view of the region around SleikhatSleikhat

1Kgs 4:9
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el MukheizinKhirbet el Mukheizin

  2. panorama of the Ayalon Valleyin the Ayalon Valley

  3. satellite view of the region around Deir MuheisinDeir Muheisin

  4. panorama of Horbat AvimorHorbat Avimor

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Deir ShubeibKhirbet Deir Shubeib

1Kgs 4:12
  1. ruins at Tel MegiddoTel Megiddo

1Kgs 4:11
  1. ruins at Tel DorTel Dor

  2. ruins at Tel Dorregion around Tel Dor

1Kgs 4:13
  1. satellite view of the region around Tall er RumeithTall er Rumeith

  2. satellite view of the region around Tall al HusunTall al Husun

  3. ruins at Ar RamthaAr Ramtha

  4. cityscape of As SaltAs Salt

  5. building at Iraq al AmirIraq al Amir

1Kgs 4:9
  1. recent ruins at SalbitSalbit

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet SalhabKhirbet Salhab

Socoh 3
1Kgs 4:10
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Shuweikat er RasKhirbet Shuweikat er Ras

1Kgs 4:12
  1. artifact from Tell Ta'anakhTell Ta'anakh

Tiphsah 1
1Kgs 4:24
  1. satellite view of the region around DibsehDibseh

1Kgs 4:12
  1. artifact from Tell es Sa'idiyehTell es Sa'idiyeh

  2. satellite view of the region around Tell Umm HamadTell Umm Hamad

  3. satellite view of the region around Tall al MeqbarahTall al Meqbarah

  4. satellite view of the region around SleikhatSleikhat

  5. satellite view of the region around Tell SimadiTell Simadi

  6. panorama of a region including Tell ed DamiyehTell ed Damiyeh

  7. ruins at Qarn SartabaQarn Sartaba

  8. satellite view of the region around Tell el QosTell el Qos

  9. ruins at Tel RehovTel Rehov

Image Credits

Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019, Bertramz, TheVerum, AMSA83, יעקב, Ori~, Rimon98, Shayshal2, Bahnfrend, Amos Meron, savion29, Anonymous, Danny Lyulev, Lior Golgher, Ori~, Mboesch, Lior Golgher, Gary Todd, Bukvoed, Bukvoed, gugganij, Daniel Baránek, A.Sobkowski, AVRAHAM GRAICER, Lajoya02, JeedaGhazal, Ricardo Liberato, Aaadir, מיכאלי, עדירל, Ferrus, Adeeb Atwan, Daniel Case, Netanel h, Bukvoed, Bukvoed, Shay Bar, יעקב, יעקב, Evan Williams, E. Rehfeld, יעקב, Maglanist, Harel M, Liorca, Bukvoed, Yorudun, Omernos, Makeandtoss, Bukvoed, oncenawhile, Mary Harrsch, Matson Collection, Bukvoed, Bukvoed


This page attempts to identify all possible locations for every place mentioned in this chapter of the Bible.

The isobands you see on the map (gray areas with dark borders) attempt to give you confidence where a region is. Because many ancient regions aren't precisely defined, I consulted atlases to determine where the biblical region is located and used that data to build the isobands. The smaller isobands reflect more confidence that the given isoband is in the region, while the larger isobands reflect less confidence. Isobands are a kind of contour line that here indicate confidence levels.