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Venn Diagram of Google Bible Searches just released a Google Suggest Venn Diagram Generator, where you enter a phrase and three ways to finish it: for example, “(Bible, New Testament, Old Testament) verses on….” It then creates a Venn diagram showing you how Google autocompletes the phrase and where the suggestions overlap.

The below diagram shows the result for “(Bible, New Testament, Old Testament) verses on….” The overlapping words–faith, hope, love, forgiveness, prayer–present a decent (though incomplete) summary of Christianity.

A Venn diagram shows completions for (X Verses on...): Bible (courage, death, friendship, patience), New Testament (divorce, homosexuality, justice, tithing), Old Testament (Jesus), NT + Bible (hope, strength), OT + Bible (faith), OT + NT (marriage), and all three (forgiveness, love, prayer).

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