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Visualizing Bible chapter similarity with Quid

Quid, a natural-language processing and visualization startup*, last month produced a network graph of chapter similarity in the King James Bible. It does a good job clustering the gospels and epistles in the New Testament, though I might argue that you can largely distinguish them simply by the presence of “Jesus +said” vs. “Jesus -said”. Their full post details their methodology and colors the same visualization several different ways, including by sentiment and by popularity.

Read the article on Quid's site.
Credit: Quid

* They actually call themselves “a platform that searches, analyzes and visualizes the world’s collective intelligence to help answer strategic questions.”

2 Responses to “Visualizing Bible chapter similarity with Quid”

  1. Ted Olsen says:

    I come to openBible for the interesting tech, data, and visualizations. I love it for the subtle, wry commentary.

  2. openbible says:

    Some of the drafts of this post were a little more snarky, so I’m glad it landed at “wry.”