Places in Joshua 19

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Place Possible identifications (tap to highlight on the map)
Josh 19:25
  1. panorama of Tell KeisanTell Keisan

  2. closeup of Tel RegevTel Regev

  3. panorama looking south of Tell Bir el GharbiTell Bir el Gharbi

  4. ruins at Tel KabriTel Kabri

Achzib 2
Josh 19:29
  1. buildings at Tel AchzivTel Achziv

Josh 19:36
  1. panorama of Qarn HattinQarn Hattin

  2. satellite view of the region around Hajar ed DammHajar ed Damm

  3. satellite view of the region around Tel AdamiTel Adami

  4. ruins at Khirbet esh ShibaKhirbet esh Shiba

Josh 19:33
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel AdamiTel Adami

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet BessumKhirbet Bessum

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet IdmaKhirbet Idma

Aijalon 1
Josh 19:42
  1. panorama of YaloYalo

  2. satellite view of the region around Tell el KokahTell el Kokah

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet HaiyanKhirbet Haiyan

Ain 2
Josh 19:7
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm er RammaminKhirbet Umm er Rammamin

  2. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet AsanKhirbet Asan

  4. cave at Tel GodedTel Goded

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet MulehKhirbet Muleh

  6. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  7. ruins at Horbat AnimHorbat Anim

Josh 19:26
  1. panorama of Tel AlilTel Alil

  2. aerial panorama of Tel NahalTel Nahal

Josh 19:33
  1. aerial panorama of ruins at Hanot Taggarimin Hanot Taggarim

  2. recent ruins at Lejjunin Lejjun

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Bessumin Khirbet Bessum

  4. satellite view of the region around Shajarat el Kalbin Shajarat el Kalb

Josh 19:26
  1. panorama of Mount Carmelwithin 10 km of Mount Carmel

  2. church at Umm al AmadUmm al Amad

Josh 19:19
  1. panorama of Tell RekheshTell Rekhesh

  2. cityscape of Na'uraNa'ura

  3. artifact from Tall al AjjulTall al Ajjul

Aphek 1
Josh 19:30
  1. building at Tel AfekTel Afek

  2. ruins at Tel KabriTel Kabri

  3. ruins at AfqaAfqa

Josh 19:7
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet AsanKhirbet Asan

  2. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  3. cave at Tel GodedTel Goded

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet MulehKhirbet Muleh

Josh 19:34
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel GovelTel Govel

Baalath 1
Josh 19:44
  1. historical cityscape of Al MagharAl Maghar

  2. satellite view of the region around Keslawithin 1 km of Kesla

  3. panorama of MugharMughar

  4. church at Deir el AzarDeir el Azar

Josh 19:8
  1. satellite view of the region around Tulul el MedbahTulul el Medbah

  2. panorama of the region including Beer YerohamBeer Yeroham

  3. aerial panorama of the Nahal Avnon FortressNahal Avnon Fortress

  4. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet es SiyyaghKhirbet es Siyyagh

  6. cave at Arak IsmainArak Ismain

  7. ruins at Bayt ItabBayt Itab

  8. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  9. ruins at Horbat UzaHorbat Uza

  10. satellite view of the region around Tel IraTel Ira

  11. panorama of Wadi el Qeinialong Wadi el Qeini

  12. ruins at En HazevaEn Hazeva

  13. satellite view of the region around Horbat TayyavHorbat Tayyav

  14. church at Deir el AzarDeir el Azar

  15. satellite view of the region around Keslawithin 1 km of Kesla

  16. historical cityscape of Al MagharAl Maghar

  17. panorama of MugharMughar

  18. ruins at QatraQatra

Josh 19:3
  1. satellite view of the region around Tulul el MedbahTulul el Medbah

  2. satellite view of the region around Keslawithin 1 km of Kesla

  3. church at Deir el AzarDeir el Azar

  4. panorama of Wadi el Qeinialong Wadi el Qeini

  5. historical cityscape of Al MagharAl Maghar

  6. satellite view of the region around Khirbet es SiyyaghKhirbet es Siyyagh

  7. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  8. panorama of the region including Beer YerohamBeer Yeroham

  9. cave at Arak IsmainArak Ismain

  10. ruins at Bayt ItabBayt Itab

  11. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

  12. satellite view of the region around Tel IraTel Ira

  13. satellite view of the region around Horbat TayyavHorbat Tayyav

  14. panorama of MugharMughar

  15. ruins at Horbat UzaHorbat Uza

  16. aerial panorama of the Nahal Avnon FortressNahal Avnon Fortress

  17. ruins at En HazevaEn Hazeva

  18. ruins at QatraQatra

Beersheba 1
Josh 19:2
  1. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer ShevaTel Beer Sheva

  2. well at Bir es SebaBir es Seba

Josh 19:45
  1. landfill at Al KhayriyyaAl Khayriyya

  2. panorama of Tel ZetonTel Zeton

Josh 19:25
  1. panorama including Khirbet Ibtin, which is at the base of the hill at centerKhirbet Ibtin

  2. panorama of Tel FarTel Far

Josh 19:38
  1. satellite view of the region around Safad el BattikhSafad el Battikh

  2. cityscape of Bi'ina, which is behind the buildings on the hill in the foregroundBi'ina

  3. satellite view of the region around AynataAynata

  4. satellite view of the region around HinahHinah

Beth-dagon 2
Josh 19:27
  1. closeup of Tel RegevTel Regev

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet JelamehKhirbet Jelameh

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet BuseimaKhirbet Buseima

  4. ruins at Beit ShearimBeit Shearim

Josh 19:27
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel EmekTel Emek

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Abu MudawwarKhirbet Abu Mudawwar

Josh 19:6
  1. satellite view of the region around Jebel el BiriJebel el Biri

  2. satellite view of the region around Ein esh ShallalaEin esh Shallala

Bethlehem 2
Josh 19:15
  1. building at Beit LahmBeit Lahm

Josh 19:5
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet TatritKhirbet Tatrit

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm ed DeminehKhirbet Umm ed Demineh

  3. satellite view of the region around MiniehMinieh

Josh 19:21
  1. satellite view of the region around HaditaHadita

  2. ruins at Sheikh MazghithSheikh Mazghith

Beth-shemesh 2
Josh 19:22
  1. satellite view of the region around Sheikh esh ShamsawiSheikh esh Shamsawi

  2. panorama of El AbeidiyehEl Abeidiyeh

  3. satellite view of the region around Tell esh ShamsiyaTell esh Shamsiya

Beth-shemesh 3
Josh 19:38
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel RoshTel Rosh

  2. panorama of El AbeidiyehEl Abeidiyeh

  3. satellite view of the region around Sheikh esh ShamsawiSheikh esh Shamsawi

  4. satellite view of the region around Tell esh ShamsiyaTell esh Shamsiya

  5. satellite view of the region around HarissHariss

Josh 19:4
  1. historical panorama of Khirbet et TubeiqaKhirbet et Tubeiqa

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ar RasKhirbet ar Ras

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QaryateinKhirbet el Qaryatein

  4. satellite view of the region around Tel KelekhTel Kelekh

  5. satellite view of the region around Tell es SaqatiTell es Saqati

  6. building at Umm BatinTell Umm Betin

Cabul 1
Josh 19:27
  1. cityscape of KabulKabul

  2. satellite view of the region around Rosh ZayitRosh Zayit

Josh 19:18
  1. cityscape of IksalIksal

Josh 19:35
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel KinrotTel Kinrot

  2. panorama of the Sea of GalileeSea of Galilee

Josh 19:12
  1. cityscape of IksalIksal

Josh 19:11
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel ShemTel Shem

Josh 19:12
  1. aerial panorama of Horvat DevoraHorvat Devora

  2. historical drawing of ruins at RabaRaba

  3. satellite view of the region around ArabbunaArabbuna

Josh 19:47
  1. gate at Tel DanTel Dan

Josh 19:20
  1. satellite view of the region around Ain el HabusAin el Habus

  2. satellite view of the region around En haYadidEn haYadid

  3. satellite view of the region around Horbat SefanHorbat Sefan

  4. satellite view of the region around Horvat UkkalHorvat Ukkal

Josh 19:28
  1. panorama of Tel AvdonTel Avdon

Edrei 2
Josh 19:37
  1. satellite view of the region around Har ZeviHar Zevi

  2. satellite view of the region around AitarounAitaroun

Josh 19:43
  1. ruins at Tel MiqneTel Miqne

Josh 19:43
  1. satellite view of the region around Tell el KokahTell el Kokah

  2. panorama of YaloYalo

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Wadi IllinKhirbet Wadi Illin

  4. cityscape of Beit AnanBeit Anan

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet HaiyanKhirbet Haiyan

  6. satellite view of the region around AleinAlein

  7. ruins at Kafr AnaKafr Ana

  8. satellite view of the region around Khirbet HasanKhirbet Hasan

  9. satellite view of the region around Tel ZelafonTel Zelafon

  10. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el RujmKhirbet el Rujm

Josh 19:44
  1. building at Tel ShalafTel Shalaf

  2. ruins at Tel MiqneTel Miqne

  3. summit of Tell MelatTell Melat

Josh 19:4
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Erqa SaqraKhirbet Erqa Saqra

  2. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer Shevawithin 10 km of Tel Beer Sheva

  3. well at Bir es Sebawithin 10 km of Bir es Seba

  4. historical panorama of Tell el MeleihaTell el Meleiha

En-gannim 2
Josh 19:21
  1. cityscape of JeninTell Jenin

  2. building at Khirbet Beit JannKhirbet Beit Jann

  3. satellite view of the region around OlamOlam

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet AnimKhirbet Anim

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ed DirKhirbet ed Dir

  6. satellite view of the region around HaditaHadita

Josh 19:21
  1. satellite view of the region around HaditaHadita

  2. satellite view of the region around El KarmEl Karm

  3. panorama including Khirbet Judeida, which is down the hill by the switchbacksKhirbet Judeida

Josh 19:37
  1. satellite view of the region around Horbat HadranHorbat Hadran

  2. satellite view of the region around AynataAynata

Josh 19:41
  1. cityscape of EshtaolEshtaol

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Deir ShubeibKhirbet Deir Shubeib

  3. boiler at ArtufArtuf

  4. cityscape including Khirbet Deir Abu Kabus at the summitKhirbet Deir Abu Kabus

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet esh Sheikh IbrahimKhirbet esh Sheikh Ibrahim

Ether 2
Josh 19:7
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el AterKhirbet el Ater

  2. ruins at Khirbet AttirKhirbet Attir

Josh 19:13
  1. church at Kefr KennaKefr Kenna

  2. building at LubyaLubya

Josh 19:3
  1. satellite view of the region around Umm el AzamUmm el Azam

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet AsanKhirbet Asan

Josh 19:13
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel Gat HeferTel Gat Hefer

  2. cityscape of MashhadMashhad

Gath-rimmon 1
Josh 19:45
  1. panorama of Tel GerisaTel Gerisa

  2. panorama of Tel ZetonTel Zeton

  3. satellite view of the region around Ras Abu HamidRas Abu Hamid

Josh 19:44
  1. summit of Tell MelatTell Melat

  2. satellite view of the region around Ras Abu HamidRas Abu Hamid

  3. historical streetscape of AqirAqir

  4. cityscape of QibyaQibya

Great Sea
Josh 19:29
  1. panorama of the Mediterranean SeaMediterranean Sea

Josh 19:25
  1. panorama of Tel AlilTel Alil

  2. panorama of Tel Alil WestTel Alil West

Hammath 1
Josh 19:35
  1. ruins at Hamat TiberiasHamat Tiberias

  2. aerial panorama of Tel RaqqatTel Raqqat

Hammon 1
Josh 19:28
  1. artifact from Umm el AwamidUmm el Awamid

Josh 19:14
  1. ruins at Tel HanatonTel Hanaton

  2. satellite view of the region around Kefr AnauKefr Anau

  3. closeup of Tel RegevTel Regev

Josh 19:19
  1. cityscape of Et TaiyibehEt Taiyibeh

  2. ruins at AfulaAfula

  3. satellite view of the region around Tel ParurTel Parur

Josh 19:3
  1. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer Shevawithin 10 km of Tel Beer Sheva

  2. well at Bir es Sebawithin 10 km of Bir es Seba

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el WatenKhirbet el Waten

  4. satellite view of the region around Hazar BetarimHazar Betarim

  5. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

Josh 19:5
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet esh ShamsaniyatKhirbet esh Shamsaniyat

  2. satellite view of the region around Sbalat Abu SuseinSbalat Abu Susein

Hazor 1
Josh 19:36
  1. aerial panorama of ruins at Tel HazorTel Hazor

Josh 19:33, 19:34
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet IrbadehKhirbet Irbadeh

Josh 19:25
  1. closeup of Tel RegevTel Regev

  2. panorama of Tel QashishTel Qashish

  3. ruins at YaquqYaquq

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el JemeijimehKhirbet el Jemeijimeh

  5. panorama of Tell AmrTell Amr

Josh 19:38
  1. satellite view of the region around Yarunwithin 50 km of Yarun

  2. aerial panorama of ruins at Majdalwithin 50 km of Majdal

  3. satellite view of the region around Majdel Selemwithin 50 km of Majdel Selem

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el Mejdelwithin 50 km of Khirbet el Mejdel

  5. panorama of part of the eastern side of the Sea of Galileewithin 50 km of the eastern side of the Sea of Galilee

  6. satellite view of the region around HarissHariss

  7. satellite view of the region around Khirbet QatamunKhirbet Qatamun

Josh 19:4
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

  2. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  3. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

  4. panorama of Tell esh ShariaTell esh Sharia

  5. satellite view of the region around Tel IraTel Ira

  6. panorama of ruins at ShivtaShivta

  7. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

Josh 19:29
  1. artifact from Tell RachidiyehTell Rachidiyeh

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el HosKhirbet el Hos

  3. ruins at TyreTyre

  4. cemetery at Kefr YasifKefr Yasif

Josh 19:34
  1. ruins at YaquqYaquq

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el JemeijimehKhirbet el Jemeijimeh

Josh 19:15
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el HuwarahKhirbet el Huwarah

Josh 19:41
  1. aerial panorama of ruins at Tel Bet ShemeshTel Bet Shemesh

Josh 19:42
  1. panorama of Yalowithin 10 km of Yalo

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Haiyanwithin 10 km of Khirbet Haiyan

  3. satellite view of the region around Tell el Kokahwithin 10 km of Tell el Kokah

  4. panorama of Bayt ThulBayt Thul

  5. ruins at Al BurjAl Burj

  6. historical building at ShiltaShilta

Jabneel 2
Josh 19:33
  1. panorama of a region including Tel Yin'am, which is just behind the radio tower and trees at the top leftTel Yin'am

  2. satellite view of the region around Horbat YammaHorbat Yamma

Josh 19:12
  1. cityscape of YafaYafa

  2. cityscape of MashhadMashhad

Josh 19:45
  1. building at YehudYehud

  2. building at YazurYazur

Jezreel 2
Josh 19:18
  1. ruins at Tel Yizre'elTel Yizre'el

Josh 19:11
  1. ruins at Tel YokneamTel Yokneam

Josh 19:46
  1. aerial cityscape of JaffaJaffa

Jordan 1
Josh 19:22, 19:33, 19:34
  1. closeup of the Jordan RiverJordan River

Kanah 2
Josh 19:28
  1. ruins at QanaQana

Josh 19:15
  1. panorama of Tel FarTel Far

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet QutteinaKhirbet Qutteina

  3. building at Tel AfekTel Afek

Kedesh 5
Josh 19:37
  1. ruins at Tel KedeshTel Kedesh

  2. panorama of Khirbet QedishKhirbet Qedish

  3. satellite view of the region around Tell QisyonTell Qisyon

  4. satellite view of the region around Tell Abu QedeisTell Abu Qedeis

  5. panorama of Tell RekheshTell Rekhesh

  6. satellite view of the region around Tell el AjjulTell el Ajjul

Josh 19:20
  1. satellite view of the region around Tell QisyonTell Qisyon

  2. panorama of Tell RekheshTell Rekhesh

  3. satellite view of the region around Tell Abu QedeisTell Abu Qedeis

  4. satellite view of the region around Tell el AjjulTell el Ajjul

Josh 19:33
  1. satellite view of the region around Horbat KushHorbat Kush

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el MansurahKhirbet el Mansurah

Josh 19:29
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet al MahalibKhirbet al Mahalib

  2. satellite view of the region around Ras el BiyadaRas el Biyada

Josh 19:11
  1. panorama of Tell ThorahTell Thorah

  2. satellite view of the region around Tell el GhaltahTell el Ghaltah

Josh 19:46
  1. panorama of the Yarkon RiverYarkon River

  2. panorama of ruins at Tell QasileTell Qasile

  3. panorama of the Ayalon RiverAyalon River

  4. panorama of Tel GerisaTel Gerisa

Josh 19:38
  1. satellite view of the region around Yarunwithin 20 km of Yarun

  2. satellite view of the region around Majdel SelemMajdel Selem

  3. aerial panorama of ruins at MajdalMajdal

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el MejdelKhirbet el Mejdel

  5. panorama of part of the eastern side of the Sea of Galileealong the eastern side of the Sea of Galilee

Josh 19:26
  1. panorama of Tell KeisanTell Keisan

  2. panorama looking south of Tell Bir el GharbiTell Bir el Gharbi

  3. aerial panorama of Tel NahalTel Nahal

Josh 19:2
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el WatenKhirbet el Waten

  2. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet KuseifeKhirbet Kuseife

  4. satellite view of the region around Tel YeshuaTel Yeshua

Mount Carmel
Josh 19:26
  1. panorama of Mount CarmelMount Carmel

Mount Tabor
Josh 19:22
  1. panorama of Jebel et TurJebel et Tur

Josh 19:15
  1. aerial panorama of Tel NahalTel Nahal

  2. satellite view of the region around Horbat SefanHorbat Sefan

  3. recent ruins at Ma'alulMa'alul

Josh 19:13, 19:14
  1. satellite view of the region around NimrinNimrin

  2. aerial panorama of a region including Tell el Wawiyat, which is to the right of the road at centerTell el Wawiyat

  3. aerial panorama of the Beit Netofa ValleyBeit Netofa Valley

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet YaninKhirbet Yanin

Josh 19:8
  1. panorama of hills in the NegebNegeb

Josh 19:27
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet YaninKhirbet Yanin

  2. satellite view of the region around NimrinNimrin

  3. aerial panorama of a region including Tell el Wawiyat, which is to the right of the road at centerTell el Wawiyat

  4. aerial panorama of the Beit Netofa ValleyBeit Netofa Valley

Josh 19:20
  1. aerial panorama of Horvat DevoraHorvat Devora

  2. historical drawing of ruins at RabaRaba

  3. satellite view of the region around ArabbunaArabbuna

Josh 19:35
  1. aerial panorama of Tel RaqqatTel Raqqat

  2. aerial panorama of the ancient theater at TiberiasTiberias

  3. church at Khirbet el FuliyaKhirbet el Fuliya

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QureiyehKhirbet el Qureiyeh

Josh 19:46
  1. panorama of Tell er ReqqeitTell er Reqqeit

  2. panorama of the Ayalon RiverAyalon River

  3. panorama of Tel GerisaTel Gerisa

  4. panorama of the Yarkon RiverYarkon River

Ramah 2
Josh 19:29
  1. military post at RamyahRamyah

  2. satellite view of the region around RamehRameh

  3. cityscape of Er RamehEr Rameh

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Zeitun er RamehKhirbet Zeitun er Rameh

Ramah 3
Josh 19:36
  1. cityscape of Er RamehEr Rameh

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Zeitun er RamehKhirbet Zeitun er Rameh

Ramah 6
Josh 19:8
  1. church at Deir el AzarDeir el Azar

  2. satellite view of the region around Keslawithin 1 km of Kesla

  3. panorama of Wadi el Qeinialong Wadi el Qeini

  4. satellite view of the region around Tulul el MedbahTulul el Medbah

  5. historical cityscape of Al MagharAl Maghar

  6. panorama of the region including Beer YerohamBeer Yeroham

  7. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  8. panorama of MugharMughar

  9. satellite view of the region around Horbat TayyavHorbat Tayyav

  10. satellite view of the region around Tel IraTel Ira

  11. ruins at Horbat UzaHorbat Uza

  12. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

  13. aerial panorama of the Nahal Avnon FortressNahal Avnon Fortress

  14. ruins at En HazevaEn Hazeva

  15. ruins at QatraQatra

  16. satellite view of the region around Khirbet es SiyyaghKhirbet es Siyyagh

  17. cave at Arak IsmainArak Ismain

  18. ruins at Bayt ItabBayt Itab

Rehob 2
Josh 19:28
  1. panorama looking south of Tell Bir el GharbiTell Bir el Gharbi

  2. ruins at Khirbet Da`ukKhirbet Da`uk

  3. satellite view of the region around Tell el BalatTell el Balat

  4. satellite view of the region around Tell er RahbTell er Rahb

  5. satellite view of the region around Horbat KenesiyyaHorbat Kenesiyya

  6. panorama of the Beqaa Valleyin the Beqaa Valley

  7. ruins at BaniasBanias

  8. panorama of the upper Huleh Valleyin the upper Huleh Valley

  9. building at HuninHunin

  10. gate at Tel DanTel Dan

Rehob 3
Josh 19:30
  1. panorama looking south of Tell Bir el GharbiTell Bir el Gharbi

  2. panorama of the Beqaa Valleyin the Beqaa Valley

  3. ruins at BaniasBanias

  4. panorama of the upper Huleh Valleyin the upper Huleh Valley

  5. building at HuninHunin

  6. gate at Tel DanTel Dan

  7. satellite view of the region around Tell el BalatTell el Balat

  8. satellite view of the region around Tell er RahbTell er Rahb

  9. satellite view of the region around Horbat KenesiyyaHorbat Kenesiyya

  10. ruins at Khirbet Da`ukKhirbet Da`uk

Josh 19:21
  1. ruins at Kokab el HawaKokab el Hawa

  2. satellite view of the region around En haYadidEn haYadid

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ed DirKhirbet ed Dir

Rimmon 2
Josh 19:7
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm er RammaminKhirbet Umm er Rammamin

  2. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

Rimmon 3
Josh 19:13
  1. cityscape of RumanaRumana

  2. ruins at Horbat RumahHorbat Rumah

  3. ruins at Tel HanatonTel Hanaton

  4. panorama of Qarn HattinQarn Hattin

Josh 19:10, 19:12
  1. panorama of Tel ShadudTel Shadud

Josh 19:42
  1. recent ruins at SalbitSalbit

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet SalhabKhirbet Salhab

Josh 19:22
  1. satellite view of the region around El KarmEl Karm

  2. panorama of Tell RekheshTell Rekhesh

  3. ruins at Sheikh MazghithSheikh Mazghith

  4. satellite view of the region around HaditaHadita

  5. satellite view of the region around Sheikh esh ShamsawiSheikh esh Shamsawi

Josh 19:6
  1. artifact from Tall al AjjulTall al Ajjul

  2. panorama of Tel SharuhenTel Sharuhen

  3. panorama of Tel HarorTel Haror

  4. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

Sheba 2
Josh 19:2
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel YeshuaTel Yeshua

  2. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer ShevaTel Beer Sheva

  3. mosaic at Horbat Beer ShamaHorbat Beer Shama

  4. well at Bir es SebaBir es Seba

Josh 19:26
  1. closeup of Nahal TaninimNahal Taninim

  2. aerial panorama of the mouth of the Kishon Rivermouth of the Kishon River

  3. closeup of the Kebara SwampsKebara Swamps

  4. artifacts at Tell Abu HawamTell Abu Hawam

  5. closeup of Nahal DaliyyaNahal Daliyya

Josh 19:51
  1. ruins at Khirbet SeilunKhirbet Seilun

Josh 19:15
  1. ruins at Tel ShimronTel Shimron

  2. panorama of Maroun al RasMaroun al Ras

Josh 19:19
  1. satellite view of the region around SirinSirin

  2. satellite view of the region around Ayun esh Sha'inAyun esh Sha'in

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet MugheirKhirbet Mugheir

Josh 19:18
  1. cityscape of SulamSulam

Josh 19:28
  1. satellite view of the region around the Sandikli archaeological site in SidonSandikli archaeological site in Sidon

Timnah 1
Josh 19:43
  1. ruins at Tel BatashTel Batash

  2. satellite view of the region around Horbat TimnaHorbat Timna

Josh 19:50
  1. panorama of Khirbet TibnahKhirbet Tibnah

Josh 19:29
  1. ruins at TyreTyre

Josh 19:30
  1. ruins at Tel AkkoTel Akko

Valley of Iphtahel
Josh 19:14, 19:27
  1. closeup of Wadi el MelekWadi el Melek

  2. spring along Wadi AbbelinWadi Abbelin

  3. aerial panorama of the Beit Netofa ValleyBeit Netofa Valley

  4. panorama of Khirbet Shifatregion around Khirbet Shifat

Josh 19:38
  1. satellite view of the region around YarunYarun

Josh 19:33
  1. aerial panorama of ruins at Hanot TaggarimHanot Taggarim

  2. recent ruins at LejjunLejjun

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet BessumKhirbet Bessum

  4. satellite view of the region around Shajarat el KalbShajarat el Kalb

Josh 19:35
  1. panorama of Qarn HattinQarn Hattin

  2. satellite view of the region around Tell el KhirbehTell el Khirbeh

  3. ruins at MeironMeiron

  4. panorama of Maroun al RasMaroun al Ras

  5. panorama of ruins at Khirbet MadinKhirbet Madin

  6. cityscape of Bint JbeilBint Jbeil

  7. satellite view of the region around Har ZeviHar Zevi

  8. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el BiarKhirbet el Biar

  9. ruins at TyreTyre

Josh 19:35
  1. ruins at HattinHattin

  2. panorama of Khirbet QedishKhirbet Qedish

  3. ruins at TyreTyre

Josh 19:5
  1. panorama of Tell esh ShariaTell esh Sharia

  2. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

  3. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer ShevaTel Beer Sheva

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ZuheiliqahKhirbet Zuheiliqah

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet a Ra'iKhirbet a Ra'i

  6. panorama of Tel HarorTel Haror

  7. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  8. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

Josh 19:41
  1. ruins at Tel TzoraTel Tzora

Image Credits

Aaadir, Hanay, Aaadir, Henry Pelgrift, Leonid Rogachevsky, Zeromancer44, Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019, Davidbena, Aaadir, Danny Gershoni, Deror avi, Hanay, Dr. Avishai Teicher, Ori~, Oyoyoy, Liorca, Moataz1997, Chadner, Yehudit Garinkol, Aaadir, Almog, Hanay, Liorca, Seoras2005, Anonymous, Ori~, Bahnfrend, Mboesch, Amos Meron, savion29, Danny Lyulev, Gary Todd, Lior Golgher, Lior Golgher, Bukvoed, Bukvoed, gugganij, Daniel Baránek, Davidbena, Dr. Avishai Teicher, Hanay, Aaadir, Almog, Davidbena, Ira Abramov, Harel M, Hanay, Willem van de Poll, MidEastMedStudent, Slav4, Volland, Bahnfrend, Tamir Bejerano, Conder and Kitchener, Lajoya02, בייבלווקס, Bukvoed, עדירל, מיכאלי, ekeidar, Avi1111, Matson Collection, Qasrawi 2000, Amiesh, דוד בר, יעקב, yiftah-s, יעקב, Shaofr, Chris06, Orest2000, Hanay, Ori~, Unknown author, יעקב, mfa, McKaby, Ricardo Tulio Gandelman, אסף שגיא, Rama, Bukvoed, doron kirshberg, Deror_avi, AVRAMGR, Hanay, Hanay, שועל, AVRAMGR, Hanay, Danny Gershoni, Mujaddara, RomanDeckert, Vyacheslav Argenberg, צלם, AVRAHAM GRAICER, Aaadir, ישראל פרקר Israel Preker, Unknown author, Limrem1979, Zaher333,, Bukvoed, Bukvoed, Bukvoed, Godot13, Bill Rice, Onlythetruth80, Natalinasser, Aner Ottolenghi, ברטוב, Giladtop, Ori~, Ori~, Noamdahary, Bukvoed, Infamous000, Infamous000, ליאור גולגר, AVRAMGR, Сергей Иванов, Вячеслав Ребров, Oren1973, Aviad2001, Uri Zackhem, Rasmus Bøgeskov Larsen, EdoM, Jotpe, Bukvoed, אסף.צ, Almog, דותן דני, Hanay, Bukvoed, The devious diesel, Aaadir, Israel Government Press Office, Golf Bravo, Zvi Roger, Zarmi, Michal Artzy, אורן פלס, RonAlmog, Hanay, Own work, NaVisitor, Bukvoed, Amos1947, Michael Homan, nava harel, דותן דני, Oren Rozen, Yael Alef, זאב שטיין, עמית אבידן, Eran Rabl, Davidbena


This page attempts to identify all possible locations for every place mentioned in this chapter of the Bible.

The isobands you see on the map (gray areas with dark borders) attempt to give you confidence where a region is. Because many ancient regions aren't precisely defined, I consulted atlases to determine where the biblical region is located and used that data to build the isobands. The smaller isobands reflect more confidence that the given isoband is in the region, while the larger isobands reflect less confidence. Isobands are a kind of contour line that here indicate confidence levels.