Places in Joshua 15

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Place Possible identifications (tap to highlight on the map)
Achzib 1
Josh 15:44
  1. ruins at Tel el BeidaTel el Beida

  2. satellite view of the region around Ain KezbehAin Kezbeh

Josh 15:22
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Aro'erKhirbet Aro'er

  2. satellite view of the region around ArairArair

  3. satellite view of the region around Tel EsdarTel Esdar

  4. satellite view of the region around Umm SweiwinehUmm Sweiwineh

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet UdenaKhirbet Udena

  6. satellite view of the region around ErjanErjan

Josh 15:3
  1. pool at Ain el Qudeiratwithin 10 km of Ain el Qudeirat

  2. closeup of Ein Qedeiswithin 10 km of Ein Qedeis

  3. closeup of Ein QedeisEin Qedeis

  4. panorama of Khirbet el QudeiratKhirbet el Qudeirat

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QaryateinKhirbet el Qaryatein

  6. panorama looking southwest including Mesudat Ein Qedeis, which is at the light area by the road at centerMesudat Ein Qedeis

  7. panorama of Har Avnon in the backgroundHar Avnon

Josh 15:36
  1. satellite view of the region around Al HadithaAl Haditha

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el HadathaKhirbet el Hadatha

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet KheishumKhirbet Kheishum

  4. ruins at Khirbet QeiyafaKhirbet Qeiyafa

Josh 15:35
  1. panorama of Khirbet esh Sheikh MadhkurKhirbet esh Sheikh Madhkur

  2. ruins at Khirbet Id el MinyaKhirbet Id el Minya

Josh 15:7
  1. panorama of AdummimAdummim

Ain 2
Josh 15:32
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm er RammaminKhirbet Umm er Rammamin

  2. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet AsanKhirbet Asan

  4. cave at Tel GodedTel Goded

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet MulehKhirbet Muleh

  6. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  7. ruins at Horbat AnimHorbat Anim

Josh 15:3
  1. aerial panorama of Ma'ale AkrabbimMa'ale Akrabbim

  2. satellite view of the region around Jebel Umm al AqaribJebel Umm al Aqarib

Josh 15:26
  1. satellite view of the region around Be'er NevatimBe'er Nevatim

  2. satellite view of the region around Bir el EsaniBir el Esani

  3. satellite view of the region around Nahal Yattir 205Nahal Yattir 205

Josh 15:50
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Anab es SeghirehKhirbet Anab es Seghireh

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Anab al KabirKhirbet Anab al Kabir

Josh 15:50
  1. ruins at Horbat AnimHorbat Anim

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Ghuweina el FauqaKhirbet Ghuweina el Fauqa

Josh 15:53
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet al HadabKhirbet al Hadab

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el MarajimKhirbet el Marajim

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Kan'anKhirbet Kan'an

  4. aerial panorama of Tell Ras el AinTell Ras el Ain

Josh 15:52
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet er RabiyehKhirbet er Rabiyeh

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ez ZawiyaKhirbet ez Zawiya

Josh 15:42
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet AsanKhirbet Asan

  2. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  3. cave at Tel GodedTel Goded

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet MulehKhirbet Muleh

Josh 15:46, 15:47
  1. panorama of Tel AshdodTel Ashdod

Ashnah 1
Josh 15:33
  1. panorama of IslinIslin

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Wadi IllinKhirbet Wadi Illin

  3. cityscape of EshtaolEshtaol

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el GhashinaKhirbet el Ghashina

Ashnah 2
Josh 15:43
  1. cityscape of IdhnaIdhna

Josh 15:35
  1. ruins at Tel AzekahTel Azekah

Josh 15:4
  1. satellite view of the region around Ain MuweilehAin Muweileh

  2. panorama from Ain QoseimehAin Qoseimeh

Baalah 1
Josh 15:29
  1. satellite view of the region around Tulul el MedbahTulul el Medbah

  2. church at Deir el AzarDeir el Azar

  3. satellite view of the region around Keslawithin 1 km of Kesla

  4. ruins at En HazevaEn Hazeva

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet es SiyyaghKhirbet es Siyyagh

  6. ruins at QatraQatra

  7. cave at Arak IsmainArak Ismain

  8. ruins at Bayt ItabBayt Itab

  9. historical cityscape of Al MagharAl Maghar

  10. panorama of Wadi el Qeinialong Wadi el Qeini

  11. panorama of MugharMughar

  12. panorama of the region including Beer YerohamBeer Yeroham

  13. aerial panorama of the Nahal Avnon FortressNahal Avnon Fortress

  14. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

  15. satellite view of the region around Horbat TayyavHorbat Tayyav

  16. satellite view of the region around Tel IraTel Ira

  17. ruins at Horbat UzaHorbat Uza

  18. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

Baalah 2
Josh 15:9, 15:10
  1. church at Deir el AzarDeir el Azar

Bealoth 1
Josh 15:24
  1. satellite view of the region around Keslawithin 1 km of Kesla

  2. church at Deir el AzarDeir el Azar

  3. panorama of Wadi el Qeinialong Wadi el Qeini

  4. satellite view of the region around Tulul el MedbahTulul el Medbah

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet es SiyyaghKhirbet es Siyyagh

  6. historical cityscape of Al MagharAl Maghar

  7. cave at Arak IsmainArak Ismain

  8. ruins at Bayt ItabBayt Itab

  9. satellite view of the region around Horbat TayyavHorbat Tayyav

  10. panorama of MugharMughar

  11. panorama of the region including Beer YerohamBeer Yeroham

  12. ruins at Horbat UzaHorbat Uza

  13. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  14. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

  15. satellite view of the region around Tel IraTel Ira

  16. ruins at QatraQatra

  17. ruins at En HazevaEn Hazeva

  18. aerial panorama of the Nahal Avnon FortressNahal Avnon Fortress

Beersheba 1
Josh 15:28
  1. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer ShevaTel Beer Sheva

  2. well at Bir es SebaBir es Seba

Josh 15:59
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Beit AnunKhirbet Beit Anun

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Ras at TawilKhirbet Ras at Tawil

Josh 15:6, 15:61
  1. satellite view of the region around Ain el GharabehAin el Gharabeh

  2. satellite view of the region around Rujm el BahrRujm el Bahr

  3. satellite view of the region around Tell MuhalhalTell Muhalhal

Beth-dagon 1
Josh 15:41
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet DajunKhirbet Dajun

  2. recent ruins at Bayt DajanBayt Dajan

  3. satellite view of the region around Tel HaraqimTel Haraqim

Josh 15:6
  1. building at Deir HajlaDeir Hajla

  2. satellite view of the region around Ain HajlahAin Hajlah

Josh 15:27
  1. satellite view of the region around Tell es SaqatiTell es Saqati

  2. satellite view of the region around Givat HablanimGivat Hablanim

  3. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

  4. panorama of Tel SharuhenTel Sharuhen

Beth-shemesh 1
Josh 15:10
  1. aerial panorama of ruins at Tel Bet ShemeshTel Bet Shemesh

Josh 15:53
  1. streetscape of TaffuhTaffuh

Josh 15:58
  1. historical panorama of Khirbet et TubeiqaKhirbet et Tubeiqa

Josh 15:28
Josh 15:39
  1. building at Ed DawaimehEd Dawaimeh

Brook of Egypt
Josh 15:4, 15:47
  1. mouth of Wadi al ArishWadi al Arish

  2. closeup of Nahal HaBesorNahal HaBesor

  3. panorama of the Nile RiverNile River

  4. ruins at Qantir along the Pelusiac branch of the NilePelusiac branch of the Nile

Josh 15:40
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet TatritKhirbet Tatrit

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm ed DeminehKhirbet Umm ed Demineh

  3. satellite view of the region around MiniehMinieh

  4. panorama of Tell esh ShariaTell esh Sharia

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet HebraKhirbet Hebra

  6. mosaic at Khirbet Beit LeiKhirbet Beit Lei

  7. satellite view of the region around Tel HaraqimTel Haraqim

Carmel 1
Josh 15:55
  1. pool at Khirbet el KirmilKhirbet el Kirmil

Josh 15:10
  1. satellite view of the region around KeslaKesla

Josh 15:30
  1. historical panorama of Khirbet et TubeiqaKhirbet et Tubeiqa

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QaryateinKhirbet el Qaryatein

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ar RasKhirbet ar Ras

  4. building at Umm BatinTell Umm Betin

  5. satellite view of the region around Tel KelekhTel Kelekh

  6. satellite view of the region around Tell es SaqatiTell es Saqati

Josh 15:40
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet MakhazKhirbet Makhaz

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm al BaqarKhirbet Umm al Baqar

  3. satellite view of the region around Horbat GlumaHorbat Gluma

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet er RasKhirbet er Ras

  5. satellite view of the region around Tell KilkisTell Kilkis

City of Salt
Josh 15:62
  1. ruins at QumranQumran

  2. satellite view of the region around Mezad GozalMezad Gozal

  3. satellite view of the region around Ain el GhuweirAin el Ghuweir

  4. panorama of hills in the region south of the Lisanin the region south of the Lisan

  5. satellite view of the region around Ein et TurabaEin et Turaba

  6. panorama of Tall el HammamTall el Hammam

  7. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  8. ruins at NumeiraNumeira

  9. ruins at Bab edh DhraBab edh Dhra

  10. satellite view of the region around Rujm el BahrRujm el Bahr

  11. panorama of a region north of the Dead Seain the region north of the Dead Sea

  12. satellite view of the region around Khirbet es SamrahKhirbet es Samrah

  13. panorama of Ain FeshkahAin Feshkah

Josh 15:49
  1. cityscape of IdhnaIdhna

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ZanutaKhirbet Zanuta

  3. satellite view of the region around Deir ed DomehDeir ed Domeh

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet al SimiaKhirbet al Simia

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Deir esh ShamsKhirbet Deir esh Shams

Debir 1
Josh 15:15, 15:16, 15:49
  1. recent ruins at Khirbet RabudKhirbet Rabud

  2. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  3. ruins at Khirbet TarramaKhirbet Tarrama

Debir 2
Josh 15:7
  1. satellite view of the region around Thoghret ed DebrThoghret ed Debr

  2. building at Khan el HatrurKhan el Hatrur

  3. recent ruins at Khirbet RabudKhirbet Rabud

  4. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  5. ruins at Khirbet TarramaKhirbet Tarrama

  6. closeup of cliffs along Wadi ed Debralong Wadi ed Debr

Josh 15:38
  1. aerial panorama of Tel NagilaTel Nagila

  2. satellite view of the region around Tel QeshetTel Qeshet

Josh 15:22
  1. ruins at Tall DhibanTall Dhiban

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet edh DheibaKhirbet edh Dheiba

  3. satellite view of the region around Hare Dimona 18Hare Dimona 18

  4. panorama of Horbat DeragotHorbat Deragot

  5. satellite view of the region around Horbat TayyavHorbat Tayyav

Dumah 1
Josh 15:52
  1. satellite view of the region around Deir ed DomehDeir ed Domeh

  2. cityscape of DuraDura

Eder 2
Josh 15:21
  1. ruins at Tel AradTel Arad

  2. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  3. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

  4. satellite view of the region around Horbat AdarHorbat Adar

Josh 15:1, 15:21
  1. ruins at BuseiraEdom

Josh 15:39
  1. artifact from Tell EtonTell Eton

  2. panorama of Tel HasiTel Hasi

  3. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  4. aerial panorama of Tel NagilaTel Nagila

Josh 15:11, 15:45, 15:46
  1. ruins at Tel MiqneTel Miqne

Josh 15:59
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ed DeirKhirbet ed Deir

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el UdeiseKhirbet el Udeise

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el 'IdKhirbet el 'Id

Josh 15:30
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Erqa SaqraKhirbet Erqa Saqra

  2. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer Shevawithin 10 km of Tel Beer Sheva

  3. well at Bir es Sebawithin 10 km of Bir es Seba

  4. historical panorama of Tell el MeleihaTell el Meleiha

Josh 15:34
  1. panorama looking east of the Valley of Elahwithin 5 km of the Valley of Elah

  2. closeup of Nahal Yarmutalong Nahal Yarmut

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Beit IkaKhirbet Beit Ika

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet en Nabi BulusKhirbet en Nabi Bulus

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el AlyaKhirbet el Alya

  6. satellite view of the region around Khirbet KheishumKhirbet Kheishum

En-gannim 1
Josh 15:34
  1. panorama looking west of a region including Khirbet Umm Jina, which is visible by the path going up the hill in the distanceKhirbet Umm Jina

  2. building at Beit JimalBeit Jimal

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm edh DhiyabKhirbet Umm edh Dhiyab

Josh 15:62
  1. waterfall at Ein GediEin Gedi

Josh 15:7
  1. building at Bir AyubBir Ayub

  2. cityscape looking east including Ain el Madauwerah, which is not visible at center rightAin el Madauwerah

  3. water flowing from the Gihon SpringGihon Spring

Josh 15:7
  1. satellite view of the region around Ein HaudEin Haud

Josh 15:52
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Khallat Sam'aKhirbet Khallat Sam'a

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet et TaiyibaKhirbet et Taiyiba

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet en NasaraKhirbet en Nasara

Josh 15:33
  1. cityscape of EshtaolEshtaol

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Deir ShubeibKhirbet Deir Shubeib

  3. boiler at ArtufArtuf

  4. cityscape including Khirbet Deir Abu Kabus at the summitKhirbet Deir Abu Kabus

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet esh Sheikh IbrahimKhirbet esh Sheikh Ibrahim

Josh 15:50
  1. ruins at As SamuAs Samu

Ether 1
Josh 15:42
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el AterKhirbet el Ater

Josh 15:29
  1. satellite view of the region around Umm el AzamUmm el Azam

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet AsanKhirbet Asan

Josh 15:47
  1. satellite view of the region around Tell HarubeTell Harube

Gederah 1
Josh 15:36
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet JudrayaKhirbet Judraya

  2. panorama of Khirbet JedirehKhirbet Jedireh

  3. cave at Tel GodedTel Goded

  4. ruins at QatraQatra

  5. cityscape of JedirehJedireh

  6. satellite view of the region around Khirbet JudeiraKhirbet Judeira

Josh 15:41
  1. ruins at QatraQatra

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet JudrayaKhirbet Judraya

  3. cave at Tel GodedTel Goded

  4. panorama of Khirbet JedirehKhirbet Jedireh

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet JudeiraKhirbet Judeira

  6. cityscape of JedirehJedireh

  7. historical panorama of Tell el MeleihaTell el Meleiha

  8. church at Deir el AzarDeir el Azar

  9. panorama of a region including Khirbet Hamideh, which is not visible beyond the Latrun monasteryKhirbet Hamideh

  10. satellite view of the region around Tel AgraTel Agra

  11. satellite view of the region around Keslawithin 1 km of Kesla

  12. satellite view of the region around Tulul el MedbahTulul el Medbah

  13. cave at Arak IsmainArak Ismain

  14. ruins at Bayt ItabBayt Itab

  15. panorama of the region including Beer YerohamBeer Yeroham

  16. satellite view of the region around Khirbet es SiyyaghKhirbet es Siyyagh

  17. panorama of Wadi el Qeinialong Wadi el Qeini

  18. historical cityscape of Al MagharAl Maghar

  19. ruins at En HazevaEn Hazeva

  20. satellite view of the region around Horbat TayyavHorbat Tayyav

  21. ruins at Horbat UzaHorbat Uza

  22. aerial panorama of the Nahal Avnon FortressNahal Avnon Fortress

  23. satellite view of the region around Tel IraTel Ira

  24. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  25. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

  26. panorama of MugharMughar

Josh 15:36
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet JudrayaKhirbet Judraya

  2. cave at Tel GodedTel Goded

  3. ruins at QatraQatra

  4. panorama of Khirbet JedirehKhirbet Jedireh

  5. cityscape of JedirehJedireh

  6. satellite view of the region around Khirbet JudeiraKhirbet Judeira

  7. panorama of Bayt NattifBayt Nattif

Gedor 1
Josh 15:58
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet JedurKhirbet Jedur

Gibeah 2
Josh 15:57
  1. panorama of hills in the region south of Hebronin the region south of Hebron

  2. roadblock at Jab'aJab'a

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QaryateinKhirbet el Qaryatein

  4. building at Bani Nai'imBani Nai'im

Gilgal 3
Josh 15:7
  1. panorama of Araq ed Deir in the distance on the rightAraq ed Deir

  2. ruins at Khan el AhmarKhan el Ahmar

  3. panorama of Tal`at ed Damm, which is behind the roadTal`at ed Damm

  4. satellite view of the region around El KhirbehEl Khirbeh

  5. ruins at Khirbet el MefjirKhirbet el Mefjir

  6. aerial panorama of ruins at Bedhat esh Sha'abBedhat esh Sha'ab

  7. satellite view of the region around El 'UnuqEl 'Unuq

  8. satellite view of the region around Suwwanet eth ThaniyaSuwwanet eth Thaniya

  9. satellite view of the region around Tell el JurnTell el Jurn

  10. satellite view of the region around Khirbet en NitlehKhirbet en Nitleh

Josh 15:51
  1. recent ruins at Khirbet Rabudwithin 6 km of Khirbet Rabud

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet JalaKhirbet Jala

  3. historical cityscape of DahriyaDahriya

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Kafr JulKhirbet Kafr Jul

Goshen 3
Josh 15:51
  1. historical cityscape of DahriyaDahriya

  2. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet TatritKhirbet Tatrit

  4. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QaryateinKhirbet el Qaryatein

Great Sea
Josh 15:4, 15:11, 2 more
  1. panorama of the Mediterranean SeaMediterranean Sea

Josh 15:19
  1. recent ruins at Khirbet Rabudwithin 5 km of Khirbet Rabud

  2. artifact from Tell Beit Mirsimwithin 5 km of Tell Beit Mirsim

  3. ruins at Khirbet Tarramawithin 5 km of Khirbet Tarrama

Josh 15:37
  1. panorama of hills in the region between Lachish and Gathin the region between Lachish and Gath

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el JudeidehKhirbet el Judeideh

  3. satellite view of the region around Tel SheqefTel Sheqef

  4. panorama of Khirbet Adasa, which is the hillKhirbet Adasa

Josh 15:58
  1. cityscape of HalhulHalhul

Josh 15:27
  1. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer Shevawithin 50 km of Tel Beer Sheva

  2. well at Bir es Sebawithin 50 km of Bir es Seba

  3. pool at Ain el Qudeiratwithin 10 km of Ain el Qudeirat

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el Watenwithin 40 km of Khirbet el Waten

  5. closeup of Ein Qedeiswithin 10 km of Ein Qedeis

  6. closeup of Ein QedeisEin Qedeis

  7. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QaryateinKhirbet el Qaryatein

  8. satellite view of the region around Tel Yeshuawithin 40 km of Tel Yeshua

  9. artifact from Tel Malhatawithin 40 km of Tel Malhata

  10. panorama of Khirbet el QudeiratKhirbet el Qudeirat

  11. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Kuseifewithin 40 km of Khirbet Kuseife

  12. panorama of Har Avnon in the backgroundHar Avnon

  13. panorama looking southwest including Mesudat Ein Qedeis, which is at the light area by the road at centerMesudat Ein Qedeis

  14. ruins at Horbat UzaHorbat Uza

  15. panorama of MasadaMasada

  16. satellite view of the region around Mezudat Sheluhat Qadesh BarneaMezudat Sheluhat Qadesh Barnea

Josh 15:28
  1. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer Shevawithin 10 km of Tel Beer Sheva

  2. well at Bir es Sebawithin 10 km of Bir es Seba

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el WatenKhirbet el Waten

  4. satellite view of the region around Hazar BetarimHazar Betarim

  5. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

Hazor 2
Josh 15:23
  1. satellite view of the region around El JebariyehEl Jebariyeh

  2. pool at Ain el Qudeiratwithin 10 km of Ain el Qudeirat

  3. closeup of Ein Qedeiswithin 10 km of Ein Qedeis

  4. closeup of Ein QedeisEin Qedeis

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QaryateinKhirbet el Qaryatein

  6. panorama of Har Avnon in the backgroundHar Avnon

  7. panorama of Khirbet el QudeiratKhirbet el Qudeirat

  8. panorama looking southwest including Mesudat Ein Qedeis, which is at the light area by the road at centerMesudat Ein Qedeis

Hazor 3
Josh 15:25
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QaryateinKhirbet el Qaryatein

  2. pool at Ain el Qudeiratwithin 10 km of Ain el Qudeirat

  3. closeup of Ein Qedeiswithin 10 km of Ein Qedeis

  4. closeup of Ein QedeisEin Qedeis

  5. panorama of Khirbet el QudeiratKhirbet el Qudeirat

  6. panorama of Har Avnon in the backgroundHar Avnon

  7. panorama looking southwest including Mesudat Ein Qedeis, which is at the light area by the road at centerMesudat Ein Qedeis

Josh 15:25
  1. satellite view of the region around Har HezronHar Hezron

  2. ruins at Horbat UzaHorbat Uza

  3. ruins at Horbat HaRoahHorbat HaRoah

Josh 15:13, 15:14, 15:54
  1. ruins at Tel RumeidaTel Rumeida

Josh 15:27
  1. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer Shevawithin 30 km of Tel Beer Sheva

  2. satellite view of the region around Tell es Saqatiwithin 30 km of Tell es Saqati

  3. well at Bir es Sebawithin 30 km of Bir es Seba

  4. satellite view of the region around Givat Hablanimwithin 30 km of Givat Hablanim

  5. satellite view of the region around Tel Masoswithin 30 km of Tel Masos

  6. panorama of Tel Sharuhenwithin 30 km of Tel Sharuhen

  7. satellite view of the region around Ain MuweilehAin Muweileh

  8. panorama from Ain QoseimehAin Qoseimeh

Josh 15:3
  1. pool at Ain el Qudeiratwithin 10 km of Ain el Qudeirat

  2. closeup of Ein Qedeiswithin 10 km of Ein Qedeis

  3. closeup of Ein QedeisEin Qedeis

  4. panorama of Khirbet el QudeiratKhirbet el Qudeirat

  5. panorama looking southwest including Mesudat Ein Qedeis, which is at the light area by the road at centerMesudat Ein Qedeis

  6. panorama of Har Avnon in the backgroundHar Avnon

  7. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QaryateinKhirbet el Qaryatein

Holon 1
Josh 15:51
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet AlinKhirbet Alin

  2. ruins at Khirbet BismKhirbet Bism

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm el AmadKhirbet Umm el Amad

Josh 15:30
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

  2. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  3. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

  4. panorama of Tell esh ShariaTell esh Sharia

  5. satellite view of the region around Tel IraTel Ira

  6. panorama of ruins at ShivtaShivta

  7. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

Josh 15:54
  1. ruins at Tel Rumeidawithin 14 km of Tel Rumeida

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet al HadabKhirbet al Hadab

Josh 15:29
  1. satellite view of the region around Deir al GhawiDeir al Ghawi

  2. satellite view of the region around Umm el AzamUmm el Azam

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet AsanKhirbet Asan

Josh 15:43
  1. streetscape of TarqumiyehTarqumiyeh

  2. satellite view of the region around Atar NehushaAtar Nehusha

  3. satellite view of the region around Jebel SalihJebel Salih

Josh 15:23
  1. satellite view of the region around El JebariyehEl Jebariyeh

  2. satellite view of the region around Mesudat Har HemetMesudat Har Hemet

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Abu Tululwithin 5 km of Khirbet Abu Tulul

Jabneel 1
Josh 15:11
  1. ruins at YibnaYibna

  2. panorama of Yavne YamYavne Yam

Josh 15:21
  1. satellite view of the region around Tel IraTel Ira

Josh 15:53
  1. building at Bani Nai'imBani Nai'im

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Kan'anKhirbet Kan'an

Jarmuth 1
Josh 15:35
  1. ruins at Tel YarmuthTel Yarmuth

Josh 15:48
  1. ruins at Khirbet AttirKhirbet Attir

Josh 15:8
  1. aerial cityscape of JerusalemJerusalem

  2. tilt-shift cityscape of the City of DavidCity of David

  3. cityscape of ShufatShufat

Josh 15:8, 15:63
  1. aerial cityscape of JerusalemJerusalem

Jezreel 1
Josh 15:56
  1. cityscape of Yattawithin 7 km of Yatta

  2. ruins at Khirbet TarramaKhirbet Tarrama

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet FattuhKhirbet Fattuh

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el KufeirKhirbet el Kufeir

Josh 15:56
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet er RaqqaKhirbet er Raqqa

Joktheel 1
Josh 15:38
  1. ruins at Tell ed Duweirwithin 25 km of Tell ed Duweir

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Zanuwithin 5 km of Khirbet Zanu

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm al BaqarKhirbet Umm al Baqar

  4. mosaic at Khirbet Beit LeiKhirbet Beit Lei

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet MakhazKhirbet Makhaz

  6. satellite view of the region around Tel HaraqimTel Haraqim

Jordan 1
Josh 15:5
  1. closeup of the Jordan RiverJordan River

Josh 15:55
  1. cityscape of YattaYatta

Josh 15:21
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet HoraKhirbet Hora

  2. satellite view of the region around Tel IraTel Ira

Josh 15:3
  1. pool at Ain el QudeiratAin el Qudeirat

  2. closeup of Ein QedeisEin Qedeis

Josh 15:57
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Bani DarKhirbet Bani Dar

Josh 15:3
  1. panorama from Ain QoseimehAin Qoseimeh

Kedesh 2
Josh 15:23
  1. pool at Ain el QudeiratAin el Qudeirat

  2. closeup of Ein QedeisEin Qedeis

Josh 15:44
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet QilaKhirbet Qila

Josh 15:25
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QaryateinKhirbet el Qaryatein

  2. pool at Ain el Qudeiratwithin 10 km of Ain el Qudeirat

  3. closeup of Ein Qedeiswithin 10 km of Ein Qedeis

  4. closeup of Ein QedeisEin Qedeis

  5. panorama of Har Avnon in the backgroundHar Avnon

  6. panorama of Khirbet el QudeiratKhirbet el Qudeirat

  7. panorama looking southwest including Mesudat Ein Qedeis, which is at the light area by the road at centerMesudat Ein Qedeis

Josh 15:22
  1. panorama of Wadi el Qeinialong Wadi el Qeini

  2. satellite view of the region around Horbat TayyavHorbat Tayyav

  3. ruins at Horbat UzaHorbat Uza

  4. ruins at En HazevaEn Hazeva

Josh 15:9, 15:60
  1. church at Deir el AzarDeir el Azar

Josh 15:39
  1. ruins at Tell ed DuweirTell ed Duweir

Josh 15:40
  1. satellite view of the region around Horbat LehemHorbat Lehem

  2. satellite view of the region around Rasm el KushukliyaRasm el Kushukliya

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet MakhazKhirbet Makhaz

Josh 15:32
  1. satellite view of the region around Jebel el BiriJebel el Biri

  2. satellite view of the region around Ein esh ShallalaEin esh Shallala

Libnah 1
Josh 15:42
  1. aerial panorama of Tell BornatTell Bornat

  2. cave at Tel GodedTel Goded

  3. ruins at Tel el BeidaTel el Beida

  4. panorama of Tel ZayitTel Zayit

  5. panorama of Tel EraniTel Erani

  6. artifact from Tell EtonTell Eton

  7. panorama of Tell es SafiTell es Safi

Lower Gulloth
Josh 15:19
  1. recent ruins at Khirbet Rabudwithin 5 km of Khirbet Rabud

  2. artifact from Tell Beit Mirsimwithin 5 km of Tell Beit Mirsim

  3. ruins at Khirbet Tarramawithin 5 km of Khirbet Tarrama

Josh 15:59
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet QufinKhirbet Qufin

  2. cityscape of Beit UmmarBeit Ummar

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ez ZawiyaKhirbet ez Zawiya

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el HubeilaKhirbet el Hubeila

  5. satellite view of the region around Rujm es SabitRujm es Sabit

Josh 15:31
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet TatritKhirbet Tatrit

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm ed DeminehKhirbet Umm ed Demineh

  3. satellite view of the region around MiniehMinieh

Josh 15:41
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el QomKhirbet el Qom

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet KheishumKhirbet Kheishum

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Beit MaqdumKhirbet Beit Maqdum

  4. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  5. cave at Tel GodedTel Goded

  6. aerial panorama of Tell BornatTell Bornat

Josh 15:55
  1. ruins at Tel MainTel Main

Josh 15:44
  1. cave at Tel MareshaTel Maresha

Josh 15:61
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Abu TabaqKhirbet Abu Tabaq

  2. aerial panorama of ruins at Qashr el YahudQashr el Yahud

  3. ruins at HyrcaniaHyrcania

Josh 15:37
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el MejdelehKhirbet el Mejdeleh

  2. panorama of Tel HasiTel Hasi

  3. building at Ed DawaimehEd Dawaimeh

Mizpeh 2
Josh 15:38
  1. aerial panorama of Tel NagilaTel Nagila

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet er RasKhirbet er Ras

  3. panorama of Tell es SafiTell es Safi

  4. panorama of Kfar ZoharimKhirbet Safiyeh

Josh 15:26
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el WatenKhirbet el Waten

  2. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet KuseifeKhirbet Kuseife

  4. satellite view of the region around Tel YeshuaTel Yeshua

Mount Baalah
Josh 15:11
  1. panorama of MugharMughar

  2. satellite view of the region around Keslawithin 1 km of Kesla

Mount Ephron
Josh 15:9
  1. panorama of Al QastalAl Qastal

Mount Jearim
Josh 15:10
  1. satellite view of the region around Keslawithin 1 km of Kesla

Mount Seir 2
Josh 15:10
  1. aerial cityscape of ShoreshShoresh

Naamah 1
Josh 15:41
  1. ruins at Tell ed Duweirwithin 30 km of Tell ed Duweir

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet FeredKhirbet Fered

  3. historical aerial panorama of Al Na'aniAl Na'ani

  4. satellite view of the region around Horbat Bet ElemHorbat Bet Elem

Josh 15:1, 15:19, 15:21
  1. panorama of hills in the NegebNegeb

Josh 15:9
  1. recent ruins at LiftaLifta

Josh 15:43
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Beit Nesib esh SharqiyyehKhirbet Beit Nesib esh Sharqiyyeh

Josh 15:62
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet el MaqariKhirbet el Maqari

  2. satellite view of the region around Ain el GhuweirAin el Ghuweir

  3. aerial panorama of ruins at Qashr el YahudQashr el Yahud

Rabbah 2
Josh 15:60
  1. panorama of a region including Khirbet Hamideh, which is not visible beyond the Latrun monasteryKhirbet Hamideh

  2. church at Deir el Azarwithin 7 km of Deir el Azar

  3. ruins at Horbat DarbanHorbat Darban

  4. satellite view of the region around Tell el KokahTell el Kokah

Rimmon 2
Josh 15:32
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm er RammaminKhirbet Umm er Rammamin

  2. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

Salt Sea
Josh 15:2, 15:5
  1. panorama of the Dead SeaDead Sea

Josh 15:31
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet esh ShamsaniyatKhirbet esh Shamsaniyat

  2. satellite view of the region around Sbalat Abu SuseinSbalat Abu Susein

Josh 15:61
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet es SamrahKhirbet es Samrah

  2. ruins at QumranQumran

  3. panorama of Ain FeshkahAin Feshkah

Shaaraim 1
Josh 15:36
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet es SiraKhirbet es Sira

  2. artifact from Tall al AjjulTall al Ajjul

  3. panorama of Tel SharuhenTel Sharuhen

  4. panorama of Tel HarorTel Haror

  5. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

  6. ruins at Khirbet QeiyafaKhirbet Qeiyafa

Shamir 1
Josh 15:48
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet al BiraKhirbet al Bira

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet SumaraKhirbet Sumara

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Anab es SeghirehKhirbet Anab es Seghireh

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Anab al KabirKhirbet Anab al Kabir

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet FuqeiqisKhirbet Fuqeiqis

  6. satellite view of the region around Khirbet al SimiaKhirbet al Simia

  7. satellite view of the region around Khirbet RaddanaKhirbet Raddana

Josh 15:26
  1. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer ShevaTel Beer Sheva

  2. well at Bir es SebaBir es Seba

  3. mosaic at Horbat Beer ShamaHorbat Beer Shama

  4. satellite view of the region around Tel YeshuaTel Yeshua

Josh 15:33
  1. panorama of hills in the ShephelahShephelah

Josh 15:11
  1. satellite view of the region around Tell el FulTell el Ful

  2. building at AseretAseret

  3. ruins at QatraQatra

Josh 15:32
  1. artifact from Tall al AjjulTall al Ajjul

  2. panorama of Tel SharuhenTel Sharuhen

  3. panorama of Tel HarorTel Haror

  4. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

Socoh 1
Josh 15:35
  1. ruins at Tel SochoTel Socho

Socoh 2
Josh 15:48
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ShuweikahKhirbet Shuweikah

Tappuah 2
Josh 15:34
  1. panorama of Bayt NattifBayt Nattif

  2. boiler at ArtufArtuf

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ShumeilaKhirbet Shumeila

  4. panorama looking west of a region including Khirbet Umm Jina, which is visible by the path going up the hill in the distanceKhirbet Umm Jina

Josh 15:24
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm es SalafeKhirbet Umm es Salafe

  2. satellite view of the region around Horbat RahbaHorbat Rahba

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Abu TululKhirbet Abu Tulul

  4. satellite view of the region around El AlemEl Alem

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ez ZeifehKhirbet ez Zeifeh

  6. artifact from Tel MalhataTel Malhata

Timnah 1
Josh 15:10
  1. ruins at Tel BatashTel Batash

  2. satellite view of the region around Horbat TimnaHorbat Timna

Timnah 2
Josh 15:57
  1. ruins at Tel Mainwithin 15 km of Tel Main

  2. ruins at Khirbet et TabbanehKhirbet et Tabbaneh

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm LasafaKhirbet Umm Lasafa

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Abu ShabanKhirbet Abu Shaban

  5. satellite view of the region around Rujm al HamriRujm al Hamri

  6. panorama of Tell TuwaniTell Tuwani

  7. satellite view of the region around Horbat TimnaHorbat Timna

  8. ruins at Tel BatashTel Batash

Upper Gulloth
Josh 15:19
  1. recent ruins at Khirbet Rabudwithin 5 km of Khirbet Rabud

  2. artifact from Tell Beit Mirsimwithin 5 km of Tell Beit Mirsim

  3. ruins at Khirbet Tarramawithin 5 km of Khirbet Tarrama

Valley of Achor
Josh 15:7
  1. panorama of Al Buqay'ahAl Buqay'ah

  2. closeup of Wadi Nu'eimaWadi Nu'eima

  3. canyon of Wadi QeltWadi Qelt

Valley of Hinnom
Josh 15:8
  1. panorama of the Hinnom ValleyHinnom Valley

Valley of Rephaim
Josh 15:8
  1. park in the Valley of RephaimValley of Rephaim

Zanoah 1
Josh 15:34
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ZanuKhirbet Zanu

Zanoah 2
Josh 15:56
  1. cityscape of the modern city around Khirbet Beit AmraKhirbet Beit Amra

  2. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Umm el AmadKhirbet Umm el Amad

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet Bani DarKhirbet Bani Dar

  4. ruins at Khirbet BismKhirbet Bism

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ZanutaKhirbet Zanuta

Josh 15:37
  1. ruins at Tell ed Duweirwithin 12 km of Tell ed Duweir

  2. satellite view of the region around Iraq el KharabIraq el Kharab

  3. panorama of Tel EraniTel Erani

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet SummeilyKhirbet Summeily

Josh 15:31
  1. panorama of Tell esh ShariaTell esh Sharia

  2. panorama of Tel HalifTel Halif

  3. panorama of ruins at Tel Beer ShevaTel Beer Sheva

  4. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ZuheiliqahKhirbet Zuheiliqah

  5. satellite view of the region around Khirbet a Ra'iKhirbet a Ra'i

  6. panorama of Tel HarorTel Haror

  7. artifact from Tell Beit MirsimTell Beit Mirsim

  8. satellite view of the region around Tel MasosTel Masos

Zin 1
Josh 15:1
  1. cliffs of HaMakhtesh HaKatan in the Zin DesertZin Desert

Zin 2
Josh 15:3
  1. cliffs of HaMakhtesh HaKatan in the Zin Desertin the Zin Desert

Josh 15:54
  1. ruins at Tel Rumeidawithin 10 km of Tel Rumeida

  2. satellite view of the region around SairSair

Ziph 1
Josh 15:55
  1. ruins at Tell ZifTell Zif

Ziph 2
Josh 15:24
  1. satellite view of the region around Khirbet ez ZeifehKhirbet ez Zeifeh

  2. satellite view of the region around Mezad RefedMezad Refed

  3. satellite view of the region around Khirbet KuseifeKhirbet Kuseife

Josh 15:33
  1. ruins at Tel TzoraTel Tzora

Image Credits

Davidbena, Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019, Matson Collection, Matson Collection, Matson Collection, Onzd,, Yaels, Davidbena, Davidbena, Aaadir, Danny Gershoni, Deror avi, Hanay, Dr. Avishai Teicher, אילן ארד, Giladtop, Yairapple, אסף.צ, יעקב, יעקב, Bukvoed, Matson Collection, Bahnfrend, Bukvoed, Bukvoed, savion29, Danny Lyulev, Anonymous, Lior Golgher, Ori~, Mboesch, Amos Meron, Lior Golgher, Gary Todd, gugganij, Daniel Baránek, ישראל פרקר Israel Preker, Bukvoed, The devious diesel, AVRAHAM GRAICER, Randa Fawzi, Willem van de Poll, Orest2000, اسماء البيك, Mboesch, René Hourdry, Iri-en-achti, Danny Gershoni, Bukvoed, Bukvoed, MidEastMedStudent, Bukvoed, Adeeb Atwan, Deg777, MyOlmec, Ana al'ain, Вячеслав Ребров, Mboesch, hatul, hatul, Dr. Avishai Teicher, Hoshvilim, Amos Meron, Bashar Tabbah, Amos Meron, יעקב, אריאל מנור, Uri, Hanay, boslior, Bukvoed, Matson Collection, Shabatashtiot, Bukvoed, Ori~, User י.ש., Grauesel, kfar hatemanim, עוזי ו., Deror_avi, yiftah-s, יעקב, محمد الفلسطيني, Bukvoed, יעקב, AVRAMGR, Davidbena, أمين, Palestine Solidarity Project, Orest2000, יעקב, Bukvoed, Bukvoed, Zairon, Adam Zartal אדם זרטל, Rami Atwan, mfa, Davidbena, יעקב, Aseel zm, Godot13, zstadler, Dr. Avishai Teicher, hatul, Mujaddara, أمين, Ori~, Hanay, Shelly Eshkoli, Shaofr, Godot13, Avraham Graicer, Ynhockey, Stéphanie Gromann, DYKT Mohigan, Bill Rice, Joeuziel, Hanay, יפעת אופק, Ori~, Palobserver, Bukvoed, עומר מרקובסקי, Netanelshles, tomerp, Own work, ZeevStein, אסף.צ, Unknown author, ליאור גולגר, Ester Inbar, Zarmi, Mujaddara, Hanay, Aaadir, Israel Government Press Office, Davidbena, Avi1111, Davidbena, Bukvoed, Davidbena, Daniel Ventura, Mujaddara, DYKT Mohigan, Hardscarf, Dror Feitelson, Deror_avi, יעקב, Mboesch, hatul, Davidbena


This page attempts to identify all possible locations for every place mentioned in this chapter of the Bible.

The isobands you see on the map (gray areas with dark borders) attempt to give you confidence where a region is. Because many ancient regions aren't precisely defined, I consulted atlases to determine where the biblical region is located and used that data to build the isobands. The smaller isobands reflect more confidence that the given isoband is in the region, while the larger isobands reflect less confidence. Isobands are a kind of contour line that here indicate confidence levels.