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Archive for March, 2010

Presentation on Tweeting the Bible

Friday, March 26th, 2010

Here’s a presentation I just gave at the BibleTech 2010 conference about how people tweet the Bible:

Also: PowerPoint, PDF.

I distributed the following handout at the presentation, showing the popularity of Bible chapters and verses cited on Twitter. It displays a lot of data: darker chapters are more popular, the number in the middle of each box is the most popular verse in the chapter, and sparklines in each box show the distribution of the popularity in each chapter. (Genesis 1:1 is by far the most popular verse in Genesis 1, while Genesis 3:15 is only a little more popular than other verses in the chapter.)

The grid shows the popularity of chapters and verses in the Bible as cited on Twitter.

Delving into Lent Data

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

Let’s look a little more at some of the data on what Twitterers are giving up for Lent.

Categories of Things Given up by Location

As I only track in English what people are giving up, there are concentrations in English-speaking countries.

Categories by Country
Size indicates the relative number of Twitterers in each country giving up something for Lent.

Categories by Location

Categories of Things Given up by State

These visualizations show the differences (or lack thereof) in what people are giving up among U.S. states.

Categories by State
Size indicates the relative number of Twitterers in each state giving up something for Lent. Sorry, Alaska and Hawaii.

Categories by State (%)
The composition of each state’s categories of tweets shows mostly minor variations among states. Some states (like Wyoming on the far right) have small numbers of tweets. I would have liked to use opacity or width to indicate this disparity but couldn’t figure out how to do it.

Comparison between 2009 and 2010

This treemap shows how the data changed between 2009 and 2010. The size of the box shows the number of people giving up each category and thing, while color indicates the percentage change from last year: dark blue indicates the steepest drop; dark orange indicates the steepest rise. The second chart shows the same data more conventionally expressed.

Categories and Terms: Term Changes: 2009-2010

Categories and Terms: Term Changes: 2009-2010

About the Visualizations

I created these charts mostly to explore how the new data-analysis software Tableau Public works. One of its claims to fame is that you can publish interactive visualizations to the web, a feature I didn’t take advantage of here. Tableau doesn’t do treemaps, so I used Many Eyes to create the treemap; the closest Tableau equivalent appears below the treemap.